The New Employee Value Proposition-It’s Not (only) About the Money

For every successful for-profit business, there are three essential value propositions: Pre-COVID, new employee expectations were emerging and the EVP was shifting. Instead of simply putting in the work in exchange for a strong salary, good benefits and an annual review, employees at all levels were seeking greater development, work/life integration, ongoing performance conversations, less […]

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Enhance Strategic Leadership By Zooming In and Out

In 2011, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a world-renowned author and Harvard professor, noted the ability to Zoom In and Zoom Out as a critical leadership and strategic thinking skill.  She related it to the zoom function on a camera – being able to zoom in on finer details or certain aspects that might need attention OR […]

a group of unrecognizable people holding plants growing in soil

Re-Strengthening Social Capital

In business, we often focus on the importance of capital – financial capital and human capital, but there is another form of capital that deserves every leader’s attention: social capital.  It is the often unseen glue that holds teams together, provides a sense of belonging, fuels engagement, lowers turnover, facilitates knowledge sharing, and undergirds both […]

The second curve concepts, woman hand holding chalk drawing two curves with businessman jumping.

Spotting the Road to the Future: The Discipline of Next Curve Leadership

Think about your favorite GPS app (e.g., Waze, Apple Maps, Google Maps, etc.).  Now, think about any kind of travel without that app.  It’s almost hard to remember how we used to get around without them!  We’ve become so accustomed to being ‘directed’ on where to turn and how to get to our location of […]

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Re’ing in 2023

Most people are accustomed to “ringing” in the new year.  We often do it with a lot of fanfare and celebration, including parties, food, and even fireworks.  However, there is another aspect to the transition of the calendar, and that is the opportunity for “Re’ing”.  No, it’s not a typo, and Yes, it’s a made-up […]

Beating the Odds: Seven Proven Strategies to Increase Change Success

Have you ever been part of an organizational change that didn’t stick? What about one that didn’t yield the results everyone expected? OR Have you ever been asked to lead an organizational change and been frustrated that you couldn’t get people to buy in or fully change their behavior? If you answered yes to any […]