Leadership Lessons Learned from a Humble Farmer

Because I have spent my entire career in professional services, it is not often that clients or connections associate me with agriculture or farming. However, it is someone from this industry, a humble farmer named Tom, who has had the greatest impact on my career.

Six Common Feedback Traps for Leaders

Feedback is a key to growth and development, and professionals crave it. However, we, as leaders, aren’t always great at giving it. Moreover, if we do give it, we often don’t provide enough feedback or we don’t deliver it in the right manner for it to be meaningful and improve performance. So, what gets in the way? Our intentions and actions can become entangled in six common traps.

With Gratitude

2020 has been like no other year we have faced in recent history. And although we’ve nearly all had to adjust and adapt at home, at work, and in our communities, one thing that hasn’t changed is how grateful we are.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we want to say Thank You for:

  • Partnering with us – Whether it’s by reading the newsletter, reading the blog, attending a presentation session at a conference, participating in our workshop sessions, knowledge sharing with us, referring us, discussing an opportunity for a project, or working with us as clients to achieve your goals, we have greatly appreciated the connections and opportunities you have given us.

Drive Organic Growth. Empower Intrapreneurship.

Where will our future growth come from? This question is on the minds of many leaders and leadership teams.
A big potential source of organic growth is offering new products and services. While leaders acknowledge this may be a critical need, given the changing environment, many are uncertain of the path to take to develop these offerings. One option is to acquire new products and services and develop the talent to lead them; however, there is another, often more powerful, option – creating new products and services from within by prioritizing and unleashing intrapreneurship.

Embrace Discomfort

When I chose “Embrace Discomfort” on January 1, 2020, as my word or phrase of the year, it was something I simply knew I needed to do to grow, evolve, and get better. It was also a natural transition from 2019’s word, “Notice”. Embrace Discomfort: it sounded simple enough. Little did I know how significant it would become, not just for me, but for all of us in more ways than one.

Right People. Right Roles. Right Times. Right Development.

Talent management is most effective when there is an “owner” who advocates for and shepherds the process and continuously evaluates the effectiveness of each element. Ultimately, talent management is about having the Right People in the Right Roles at the Right Times with the Right Development to drive your strategy and fuel your growth.